In Search of George Washington (The Story of The 28th Amendment)

Is the story of "How America got Her groove back". 

It is about Americans - who they were, who they had become, and who they wanted to be leading in 2012 and 2013.

And it is about the "" which gave 300,000,000 people the power to give 545 other people (435 Congressmen, 100 Senators, 1 President and 9 Justices) a nice "timeout" while they (300,000,000) straightened some things out.

It is about how, at the end of the 18th Century, the World was in awe and held up in high esteem the new, fledgling, upstart -- "America".

The peoples of the World were drawn with fascination to:

1)  Its acute sense of "Honor",

2)  Its Trustworthiness as a partner in trade and treasure and

3)  Its thrift in Affairs of its Treasury and its Purse,

4)  Its unique "Miracle" --- the "Home of the Free and the Brave",
    "Inspired by Divine Providence", "Endowed by Its Creator...", and
5)  Its People ---- the melting pot and representative faces
    of Mankind who, though not perfect, were the rugged
    and the charitable and the welcoming  -- the dreamers and the
    doers, and the ones who saw vast horizons and opportunity
    for all.

America starts and ends with you!   You found your voice, and your place, and your passion in this historic period and you re-ordered the levers of power and restored the land of unlimited dreams... 

You helped make the difference with debate and input to "The 28th Amendment".  You were and are -  after all -  "We The People" and that force is again stirring up the awe and fascination of a watching and hoping World..

"The 28th Amendment Project", in 2012 and 2013, rebalanced power between the Federal Government and
the States and "We The People" to insure limited government and "the Unlimited Individual" and the pledge for
"due Diligence" and "due Vigilance" by the new generations of the 21st Century to protect
"...the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and to Posterity."

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