Chapter 2

THE LEGACY OF "RED INC" (REDistribution of INCome) -

There had never been a National Constitutional Convention called by two-thirds of the state legislatures and convened to propose an amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.  But that all began to change when the American people had finally had enough of their runaway federal government by the spring of 2012.

Five times before, a National Convention had been proposed as provided in Article 5 of the Constitution, and each time Congress pre-empted the states’ and the people’s path to amendment by substituting their own 2/3s vote for proposal as also provided in Article 5.  Before 2012, all 27 amendments to the Constitution had been achieved after a two-thirds vote of Congress as the method of proposing those amendments, and all 27 Amendments were at the direction and wording of Congress.  However, in 2011, with calls for massive changes coming from all walks of American life, “the People” began demanding their path to amending the Constitution with their own National Constitutional Convention.  

In January, 2011, the American people decided that Obama Care was an impending disaster for the country, for businesses and for their families. One month later, 28 states were suing the federal government over Obama Care.  In March of that year, businesses and corporations and manufacturing were in full flight from America to other industrialized countries.  By April, 2011, the federal government was suing individual states for trying to solve immigration problems because the federal government refused to address them in spite of numerous, vocal calls from a frustrated American public to do exactly that.

By May, 2011, the federal government had given 1100 major businesses waivers from Obama Care.   True to form with regard to the Obama administration, there was absolutely no accountability as to how those who received waivers were selected and granted, and few knew why 50% of them were for labor unions when only 7% of American businesses had unions.

By June, 2011, polling data revealed that Congressional approval ratings were at a staggering all-time low of 9 %. That’s right, folks. NINE percent!  By July, the specter of financial horrors that had always seemed far in the future suddenly came into stark focus for the American people.  First, the highly contentious debt ceiling debate showed just how profligate America had become, and it crystallized the enormity of the metaphorical precipice toward which America was careening—seemingly helplessly.  By July, 2011, America was buckling under $14 TRILLION in immediate national debt.  Even more horrifying, was America’s unimaginable debt burden extending into the actuarial out years of Americans' children and grandchildren of $110 TRILLION in estimated “unfunded liabilities”.

Moody’s Rating Service had just warned that the gold standard of America’s AAA credit rating was in danger of an imminent downgrade if something didn’t change soon.  By late July, the impasse over the debt ceiling stalemate started whispers that America could actually go bankrupt.  On August 5, 2011, the S&P Rating Service downgraded that 94-year-old, perfect credit rating, and all of the three main rating services predicted ominously that this lowering of America’s financial standard—once unthinkable—would likely continue unless drastic changes were made over the next three to six months! 

What was the massive response by the President and the leaders of Congress to prevent disaster?

DAMN THE TORPEDOES!  FULL SPENDING AHEAD!  This perennial and cavalier response was from both Democrats and those Republicans who were known as RINO’s (Republicans in Name Only).   Except for the “Tea Party” element of the Republican Party, the “business as usual crowd” was hell-bent on continuing the utterly irresponsible spending and the equally unacceptable (and many were beginning to say suicidal) status quo.

The President of the United States did take some action.  He sued the rating agency for downgrading him.  His administration led a major effort to vilify and attack the rating agency, and within two weeks, Obama had forced out the CEO of S&P.   The AAA rating that America had held proudly since 1917 was no more but true to form, Obama and the democrats worked overtime to shift the blame and absolve themselves.  What was the insightful “get to the bottom of it”, contribution of the 4th Branch of Government (also known as the media)?

With the crumbling of America's foundations, with America's standing in the world plunging precipitously, and with Her financial future looking ever more bleak, the media flooded America with wall-to-wall coverage of Anthony Weiner and his texting scandal in May and June of 2011.  This "media event" was to the near-exclusion of anything else-- except the "Other Anthony" (Casey) case that had riveted and virtually monopolized the media’s attention and resources since the summer of 2008.  

The media, with few exceptions, were “in cahoots” with their President and their long time incumbent contacts in Congress and, with few exceptions, they shared the same, Keynesian-esque answers to the dire issues of deficits, spending and taxing and big government.  They were enablers of the the all-too-familiar refrains of "DAMN THE TORPEDOES!  FULL SPENDING AHEAD!" that consumed the politicians in Washington who were elected to run America the Beautiful responsibly.  Instead, they failed Her miserably.

The so-called "mainstream media", was flush with stories of greed and "crony capitalism" courtesy of Wall Street, “Big Oil” and “Big Banks” among other “Big Media” punching bags.    However, the stories of "journalistic greed and journalism as "Accomplice to Big Government" were conspicuously missing.   Where were the stories that "connected the dots" of the assault on America?  Where was mention of the stories of the decline sought for America by those striving for Her demise?  Where was the reporting to inform Americans of the hundreds of left-wing organizations whose members were unmasking their true goals to destroy and replace America’s capitalistic system?  This was, of course, in addition to their constant attempts to undermine and denigrate Her institutions, values and heritage. The reporting shouldn’t have been hard.  Most of these organizations had grown large and bold and their well-stated goals to disrupt and/or dismantle America, were featured prominently on websites, homepages, blogs and social media outlets.  

Meanwhile, America’s massive, rapacious government juggernaut was devouring the future treasure of its children with its voracious appetite for money, and it was decimating her morals with its thirst for power at any cost.  The erosion of civility and integrity among the nation’s leaders was even more sobering and infuriating.  Even with that said, most evident was the complete corruption of Washington's two most frequently heard words -  “I promise” and the other two Beltway words that were chortled with growing ascendency in Washington.   “I Lied”.  The extent of the corruption and the consequences was about to become fundamental and “transformational" -- and the realization was becoming understood and acknowledged worldwide. The full faith and credit of the United States was mostly “faith” and aging semantics.  The new reality was breeding suspicions of “bad faith and bad credit” in world consciousness.  America as a nation of character that was built upon integrity and decency was diminishing within and without Her borders.  America's word had once been her bond. Now, that word might last until the next speech.

In 1944, “The Bretton Woods Accord” was a deserving tribute to the strength and sacrifice of World War II America.   Out of that historic event came a unanimous decision by the free world to establish the U.S. dollar as the World’s currency.  In mid-2011, India, China, Brazil, Russia and a few other notable countries met surreptitiously to develop a path for the establishment of a new world currency to replace the dollar.  The United States was neither invited nor privy to the results of these meetings.

On April 8-11 of 2011, in a chilling affront to the strength and sacrifice of World War II America, the 1944 Bretton Woods Accord was to be challenged by what was billed as “Bretton Woods II”.

György Schwartz AKA George Soros, a committed opponent of American capitalism, was behind this meeting to bring together those who were calling for the end of the dollar as the world’s currency.  Soros was on record as stating that "The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States” and that Destroying America would be the culmination of his life’s work.  Soros had invested a major part of his massive fortune in hundreds of networks and groups to end America as we know it.  His “One World Order” and “Global Governance” objectives in 2011 were getting dangerously close to the reality he had been seeking for so long and so were his plans for America.  Soros was the “Man who broke the bank of England” when he made over a billion pounds on September 16, 1992, with the collapse on “Black Wednesday” of the British Sterling.  He parlayed that into an estimated $7 billion in 2011 much of which, as reported by many, came from his part in the collapse of 4 other countries and their currencies most notably his participation in the collapse of Yugoslavia. 

In their book entitled The Shadow Party, David Horowitz and Richard Poe lay out how Soros and others worked to build alternate governments ready to take control of these failed governments in the aftermath of currency collapse and governmental collapse.  The authors explain how parallel networks are being amassed in America starting with the two massive umbrella organizations Center for American Progress and Soros’ Open Society and the close coordination of these with the Apollo Alliance, the Tides Foundation, the Working Families Party, SEIU (Service Employees International Union) and Acorn—among over a hundred other groups all coming together toward their goals in 2011 with BOTH the knowledge and blessing of the Obama administration.  Horowitz, who was born in 1936 and whose parents were both Communists, and who grew up right in the middle of the revolutionaries of the 50s and 60s as one of them, is the recognized guru and authority on all of the people who make up the extensive list of the so-called "far left".  After "seeing the light" and becoming disillusioned in the 80s and then becoming a conservative, he has been the point man in educating conservatives to the inner workings and inner motivations of the political left.  His warnings are shocking and he makes no bones that it has been the long sought goal of communists everywhere to infiltrate the unions and the higher education universities and now the k-12 grades and the courts and the print media and the mainstream media and the highest levels of government and they have been extremely successful to the point of near completion of a long list of their agendas.

Meanwhile, for his part, Obama was building his shadowy world of unaccountable and unconfirmed (by the Senate) czars from 32 to 45.  And worse, he allegedly had 18 more that were being readied in the opaque recesses of the executive branch.  On October 25, 2011, Obama made headlines for the second time in one week with a call to his top aides to find a way to circumvent Congress and implement the half trillion dollar jobs bill that most members of Congress agreed would not pass.  The new strategy of the Executive branch would simply be to take things that were too important and couldn't be trusted to Congress into their own hands and just bypass the Constitution.  Some democrats were also openingly agreeing that the crisis in unemployment was of such enormous magnitude that draconian measures were warranted and the Constitution couldn't be allowed to stand in the way.      

The "Fundamental Transformation" of America was happening on schedule and nobody could have been happier in 2011 with the unfolding than George Soros.   For more on Soros and his network—and an understanding of the liberals’ collective mindset, go to David Horowitz’s virtual encyclopedia on the people and organizations of the left at  This website also details how the "left" had amassed 26 times more money and roughly that much more organizational structure than the "right" by 2011. 

But let’s get back to what was happening to the dollar in 2011.  One of the headliners in New Hampshire at Bretton Woods II was the Nobel Prize winning economist, John Stiglitz.   His was the loudest voice that proclaimed that the end of the U.S. dollar was near as the store of value, cornerstone of world financial stability and currency of record and exchange.  It was becoming clear that the efforts to end America’s dominance in so many areas were becoming entrenched even in the highest levels of the U.S. government itself.  This included the devaluing of the U.S. dollar at the hands of the Federal Reserve in close concert with the Treasury Department.  As noted economist Arthur Laffer stated, the nation’s total money supply of printed and borrowed dollars was being increased far and above anything he and the country had ever seen before. 

After three years of President Obama spending America into proverbial oblivion, there was a massive, collective epiphany of exactly what “Fundamental Transformation” had meant.  As to the new rules of the road, there wasn’t much pretense by Barack Obama. “Fundamental Transformation” -- was wealth redistribution or "RED INC" --REDistribution of INCome-- as it would later be defined in the 28th Amendment proposal and ratification debates.  Let’s examine an early, specific case of “fundamental transformation” to put Obama's plans for the country in perspective.  In Joe the Plumber’s case, if he bought his new company and made over $250,000 (the Obama/Biden top income bracket that later came down to $200,000 and then $150,000), he would be taxed “a little bit more".  The “transformation” becomes obvious to Joe in the following exchange – (basically his money is going to be given to somebody else).  This statement comes shortly after the President put his hand on Joe’s shoulder: 

“I just want you to be clear – it’s not that I want to punish your success – I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you – that they’ve got a chance at success too.”

The staggering effects of going from one place in history to another place in history were beginning to come into sharp focus for a once proud people.  The sum total of far left policies on so many fronts toward a state controlled nation, if it coincided with the loss of the dollar as the world's currency, was going to end with the profound march to the hard left and Socialism or worse. 

Had the “State of the Union” and the course of “The Ship of State” come full circle from esteemed home of the Statue of Liberty and gateway to freedom to just another story of advent and decline?  Was it to be another story of a “Titanic” monolith partying into the night and into oblivion on a frigid course against the laws of physics and amidst the death of vigilance?   The history of civilizations that failed was clear.  In one case after another, the results of huge debts and over-taxation and destroyed currencies NEVER ENDED WELL.

In 2012, it was hard to pinpoint whether the leadership paralysis, instability and incoherence that existed at the highest levels stemmed from incompetence, indifference, or a deliberate sabotage of the wealth, heritage and greatness of America’s founding principles. Nothing could have been more corrosive to her future than the path leading up to 2012 and the abandonment of fiscal, moral, and common sense.  Politicians at highest levels of government seemed complicit with the culture of corrosiveness against the ideals of free-enterprise and capitalism and private and individual industry. The “knee-jerk” practice of demonizing business and corporate America as the villains and the enemies of the people went far beyond the old playbook-- the original one that Ronald Reagan’s U.N. Ambassador, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, famously described as the “Blame America First Crowd”.

The attacks became even blatant in 2010 when Robert Gibbs, Obama’s press secretary, assured his audience “not to worry” about the Gulf oil spill “We have our Boot on their throat” (Big Oil). The President himself added fuel to the proverbial fire when he grinned to an audience in Rhode Island and said that our enemies (Republicans and Corporations) – paraphrasing slightly -- can come along for the ride but they’ll have to go to the back. Now, the “Blame America First Crowd” was in power and amassing huge momentum behind the scenes. The veils erected over the black holes of the “Czar World” were starting to come off and the massive ant-hills being constructed surreptitiously in the subterranean executive branch underworld were being readied for the orders to circumvent the legislative branch or ignore any judicial rulings that stood in the way

(See Bloomberg News below for the first high profile case to simply ignore the courts)
U.S. in Contempt Over Gulf Drill Ban, Judge Rules
By Laurel Brubaker Calkins - Feb 3, 2011 1:53 PM CT
The Obama Administration acted in contempt by continuing its deepwater-drilling moratorium after the policy was struck down, a New Orleans judge ruled.     Interior Department regulators acted with “determined disregard” by lifting and reinstituting a series of policy changes that restricted offshore drilling, following the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history, U.S. District Judge, Martin Feldman of New Orleans ruled yesterday. “Each step the government took following the court’s imposition of a preliminary injunction showcases its defiance,” Feldman said in the ruling.   “Such dismissive conduct, viewed in tandem with the re-imposition of a second blanket and substantively identical moratorium, and in light of the national importance of this case, provide this court with clear and convincing evidence of the government’s contempt,” Feldman said.  Judge Feldman had to be escorted daily by U.S Marshalls after the ruling-- and after death threats that followed the ruling-- for “contempt” and “determined disregard” by the Obama administration. Apparently the Administration had “Their Boot on the Throat” of the “Rule of Law” as well.

Meanwhile, billion dollar oil rigs couldn't afford to sit idle in the gulf and were sold or moved at huge loss and expense and with major loss of jobs in the Gulf States.  Many rigs had to move to Brazil.  After the endless mess at the hands of the Interior Department during the first moratorium AGAINST drilling in the Gulf and after the first "go-round" of economic desperation all along the Gulf states, Obama's hapless Interior Department would next funnel the excuse to the press that the second (and now illegal Gulf Moratorium) further devastating the Gulf States was absolutely necessary to be entirely sure another accident couldn't occur at those depths -- despite 40,000 other wells that were drilled safely in the Gulf over the years. 

What did the President do next?  In a major photo-op he hailed a $2 billion loan to Brazil being used in conjunction with oil exploration in Brazil and with Brazil's oil giant, Petrobras.  Who had been investing huge stakes in Petrobras?  George Soros!  How deep were these previous U.S. oil rigs now drilling in Brazilian waters?  They were over twice as deep as the 1/2 mile depth of the "Deep Horizon" rig before the accident!  More specifically, they were an astonishing 6,000 feet to 7,000 feet down and well over a mile under the ocean's surface out in the Brazilian Atlantic!  This information contradicted the real reasons the Gulf had been shut down with the illegal second moratorium.   All the wringing of hands and feigned concern for another deep water accident and the marine environment was nothing but a transparent attempt by the Obama administration and its supporters to inflame American sentiment against BP—and the oil and gas industry in general.   It was all about crippling measures against the oil companies and the progressives' (liberals') obvious disdain for American big business.  Of no apparent concern to the progressives were the devastating results to the economies and jobs and fortunes of so many in Texas, Lousiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. 

What was maybe the most ironic (corrupt) of all?   In the photo-op mentioned, Barack Obama congratulated Brazil on the partnership and assured them that for the oil they would now produce (with our rigs and in-place of our production) - America would be one of Brazil's best customers and biggest purchasers! 

Meanwhile the real work behind the scenes was continuing to take shape and the hidden agendas of the Executive branch in the dark shadows appeared to include, if needed, in the end-game, to include the following insidious goals:

1)  Overwhelm opposition with litigation if necessary.  It worked in Arizona when Eric Holder, Attorney General, admitted in sworn Congressional testimony that even though he hadn’t read the 10 page Arizona law, he was amassing forces to quash it.

2) Ignore the pursuing and/or prosecuting of cases counter to those agendas.  One prominent example was the New Black Panther voter intimidation case that was in the spotlight when Justice Department officials began turning whistle-blowers and described to Congress how Justice was becoming hands off when voter intimidation and similar type cases were initiated by blacks against whites and reversed from historically opposite roles.

3) Counter any adverse litigation results that stood in the way by using its brute power to ignore, discredit or intimidate—using powerful union influence as they did in the nasty stand-off that occurred in early 2011 in Madison, Wisconsin, that centered on public union cutbacks.  Interestingly, it came to light later that activists from all over the country were bussed in to help the Obama administration and the unions enflame teachers and firefighters and police and other government union workers further in a nationally coordinated attempt to undermine Governor Scott Walker’s earnest attempts to balance his state’s bloated budget.

The unabashed loathing of the founders and the founding principles had always been public knowledge, but the new level of disdain from the very top of the government was shocking in terms of the degree of manipulation used to get President Obama what he wanted—no matter the literal—or figurative—cost.  As such, it shouldn’t have been a surprise that the senator with the most liberal voting record from 2006-2008-- and the one with the least time and experience in high-level politics-- would become President as a left-wing idealogue who knew nothing about running private industry.  Neither is it a shock that he would surround himself with like-minded individuals.  George Washington in his two terms from 1789 to 1796 had ONE person on his staff:  his nephew.  Washington’s pay as President was $25,000 per year and he actually RETURNED those funds to the U.S. Treasury in the early years.  By comparison, in 2011, Barack Obama had 1800 people on his White House Staff payroll and there have been no reports of any of those 1800 or their boss entertaining thoughts of giving any of that back to help their country. 

Virtually all of the founders and early presidents were concerned with maintaining the United States’ good credit rating and paying off the debts of the new nation.  For most of the first half of the 19th century, frugal comportment of the nation’s finances, debts, and treasure were important executive and legislative goals. The world was eager to participate with the new, prosperous and trustworthy America.  What were the views of Barack Obama and his entourage in the White House on the thrift and the debt of the nation?  To paraphrase the Declaration of Independence – “We find these truths to be self-evident …”   to anyone who has been fogging up a mirror.  In 2011, Barack Obama was proving to be the ultimate leader of the out of control “spend and borrow” mentality.  He was the ultimate believer in the strategy of spending and borrowing for vote perpetuating.  To be fair, however, the “spend and borrow to acquire votes” syndrome had become pervasive at virtually all levels of the finely honed game of political Monopoly, but Barack Obama was vying to be the best player

Another way to view Obama’s vision for the U.S. in frugality terms was as Ultimate Implementer of Keynesian Conviction. This came straight from the Halls of Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard -- where, along with Yale, Princeton, et al, a majority of their progressive professors--are found to be the true progressive Keynesian teachers and believers.  Thankfully these professors were purported to spend most of their time turning out research to perpetuate the idea that money grows on trees at the Federal Reserve which hopefully meant they were having had less time to teach it in the classrooms.

In May 2011, Obama took 500 staff members, dozens of planes, helicopters (mostly decoys) and limos, six personal doctors and 12 teleprompters on a three-day, G-20 trip to London.  At the royally attended state dinner with Queen Elizabeth, Barack Obama stood next to Her Majesty, and gave his long toast to her as the PA system bounced it off the Halls of Westminster Abbey and echoed it all the way over to Big Ben.  An entire world watched in disbelief as the royal throng stood at solemn attention for the reverent playing of the British National Anthem.  Obama's microphone continued - as he drowned out “Hail to the Queen”. 

Obama was already drawing contempt in the eyes of the British ever since he had sent back the bust of Winston Churchill that was given to America after the tragic events of 9/11 as a token of everlasting friendship and shared heritage.  The magnanimous gift was given a place of honor in the White House by George Bush in the Oval Office.  After the rebuke of sending back such a treasured gift, Obama's valuable gift in return to show solidarity with England was to give Her Majesty some tapes of some of his speeches and favorite music that he thought she would enjoy.

The President and the First Lady needed some of that Keynesian money to pay for bi-weekly, globe hopping and “partying the night away” and for hosting galas with celebrities, dignitaries, and friends ( cronies) and coordinating numerous photo ops with members of the Hollywood “A-list.”  After all it was just printed money from just down the street.  But, and this is a very important “but”, the nation was meanwhile getting good value from its top leader as there were glowing speeches almost every day to solve America’s problems.  In these monologues, there was impeccable “Wordsmanship” of the highest order being strenuously employed as he quelled the mounting numbers of wars, conflicts, and economic and world crises with constant, massive doses of mind-numbing rhetoric.  Meanwhile, there was another slightly different perspective growing around America. 

Many were voicing that the “Wordsmanship” lacked “Workmanship”, the “Gamesmanship” lacked “Sportsmanship”, and the “Brinksmanship” lacked any scintilla of “Bi-partisanship”.  The latter, which proclaimed how bi-partisan things would be under Obama, was the hallmark of the 2008 Presidential campaign amid the ticker-tape parade euphoria for a president who was going to take credit for achieving the nearly impossible task of bringing Americans back together again.

Instead, after three years, progressives and their leader were fomenting more elevated levels of hate and anger-driven divisiveness to work to their political advantage.  More rhetoric designed to divide and isolate hit the ads and the airwaves, and the speeches, and America got more of the same class warfare, race warfare, age warfare, union muscle and activism and intimidation that worked ultimately to pit Americans against Americans in more ways. Where was the love and unity?  Where was the promised "Cumbaya"?

Fortunately, most of the bait and switch was right there in the open for all to see.  Obama's most frequent early visitor to the White House, Andy Stern, the grand poobah of SEIU (Service Employees International Union) and of "Workers of the World Unite" fame,  summed up how the inner- progressive group viewed their approach to "bi-partisanship".  In the video that went viral on the Internet, he intonated that "If we can't win with the Power of Persuasion, we will use the Persuasion of Power."  Barack Obama's manufacturing czar, Ron Bloom, whom Obama trusted to handle the federal takeover of the auto industry, famously said in a long speech laced with free-enterprise vitriol on another internet video that got a huge number of hits, "We know that free markets are nonsense ... and like Mao, we know that real change comes from the barrel of a gun."  My, my!  Was Bloom declaring war on the American people?  It certainly READS this way.  Wow.

Americans had FINALLY had enough. 

That same month, nothing crystallized the problem more than an ad that the Democratic National Committee ran showing a Republican wheeling an invalid, elderly woman, to the edge of a massive drop and throwing her to her death below.

The illumination of that one ad crystallized several significant truths that included the following inescapable conclusions. Among them were:

1)  The depths to which America’s civility and discourse had fallen and the depths to which the lowest denominators of America’s values and morals had eroded – they were, to put it succinctly -  squalid and virtually non-existent.

2)  Anyone who would “go against” or try to “rein-in” any of the runaway progressive (liberal) obscenely expensive “Big Government” programs would automatically be tarred and pursued by the “Cry Havoc” Dobermans of the progressives’ personal destruction machines.
3) After 100 Years of progressive (liberal) expansion of power, progressive solutions were always the same:  live for today, borrow and spend with abandonment in the name of John Maynard Keynes, print money and export inflation to the rest of the world. Better yet, with monumental hubris, leave the “tab” for each and every grandiose, lumbering, “Spruce Goose scheme” for someone else to pay with interest.

One year after white collar fraud icon Madoff ripped off billions was the year that someone else realized that progressives had ripped off and made off with Trillions – and it wasn’t just about money. Just who was that someone else? 

“We the People” saw, not only the light, but we took due notice of the rot, corruption and hopelessness of the bottomless pit of debt and degradation that progressivism, with its insatiable quest for power, had wrought.  It was ugly,  and it was what Washington D.C. had become. The dawning of this profound realization spread far and wide. 

When the hot-air died and the scope of the destruction dawned from the twister of progressivism and, after the American people saw the enormity of the cost that they were going to have to pay for the sins of progressivism, they were unspeakably angry at the havoc that had been wrought so recklessly on their country.

They cried out for their heritage and their history and their heroes.

What would Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Thomas Paine and Patrick Henry brain-storm and back?  What would Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison, and John Jay smooth over and mold? What would the towering figure of George Washington preside over and implement?  What could these giants from so long ago possibly ferret out of a gargantuan system that they could hardly recognize or fathom 224 years later?

How could they possibly understand the complexities of current day Washington DC when just the latest bill passed by Congress and signed by the President created 159 new federal offices, agencies and programs to control the American health care system?

No, folks-- that is not a typo!  There were 159 NEW FEDERAL ORGANIZATIONS as reported by Politico and estimated by the The Center for Health Transformation as a result of this enormously costly and hopelessly flawed bill.  In case you’re wondering, this is FIVE times as many government organizations and agencies that were established in the four consecutive terms of FDR and the whole New Deal in just in this one bill.

All of the critical information was embedded in the 2000+ pages of the bill that nobody had time to read (Congress allowed America 72 hours to read 2250 pages of cryptic legalese – wow!).  Even so, don’t worry, said Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives from 2006-2010, “…everyone will love it once it’s passed”

How could the Founders themselves comprehend the enormity of  the 2000+ page Dodd-Frank Bill,( affectionately called “Fin-Reg”) that Lawrence Kudlow,  former economic advisor to Ronald Reagan and host of several CNBC business shows, reported had inserted over 250 new rules for bank lawyers and accountants to try to decipher.   Try to swallow this whole.  There were 250 major new RULES instituted by the Obama administration, and they were being implemented over the next decade—when there would be no chance that Barack Obama would still be in office at the end of it all.  How convenient for him. Who could possibly plan a business when the dust and the dust bowl would last for 10 years?  Unless human beings have become clairvoyant, the obvious answer is NO ONE! 

The glaring monstrosities in this bill led to the "64 Trillion Dollar Question" as it has been called:

For the first time in history during a televised speech by the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jamie Dimon, president of the second largest U.S. Bank, J.P. Morgan/Chase, stood up on June 7, 2011,and challenged the Fed Chairman on TV head-on.  The very long question was wrapped up with the following final question and response:

Dimon: "Now we're told there are going to be even higher capital requirements, and we know there are 300 (financial regulatory) rules coming, has anyone bothered to study the cumulative effect of these things?  And do you have a fear — like I do — that when we look back and look at them all, will we see that they will be the reason that it took so long for our banks, our credit, our businesses and most importantly, our job creation, to start going again?  Is this holding us back at this point?"

Bernanke: Has anybody done a comprehensive analysis of the impact on credit?  I can't pretend that anybody really has.  We don't really have the quantitative tools to do that.  Nobody has looked at it in all detail, but we certainly are trying, as in each part to develop a system that is coherent and that is consistent with banks performing their vital social function in terms of extending credit.

Maybe that explained a Fed chairman admitting that three hundred million people were depending on a monstrous overhaul of the banking system –even though it really hadn't studied the effects on business and the economy of stringing out an experiment with 300 new complex regulations that would only become effective over a whole decade.  No wonder a CNN poll came out later the same week in which 48% of Americans believed there would be another 30s- style Depression within 12 months.

George Washington may have been reluctant to accept the nod to be the first President of the United States because he had a distinct aversion to royalty and those who would tyrannize, and he didn’t want to be perceived as “King” under any circumstances.  Fortunately, he had no hesitation in assessing the current mess by those who would tyrannize and no problem confronting head-on what they were doing to his beloved nation. For the founders, “The Solution” was “Not a Problem”. 

They hadn’t seen this many rotten trees, but they had certainly seen this forest.  They had seen human nature before and they had grappled with the manifestations of fallible human nature in government.  They had dealt extensively with how to prevent such perversions of power in scores of debates and in great halls and in backroom meetings.  They knew what to do and they had witnessed “Divine Providence” provide a way to achieve the impossible before.

Their inspired plan is laid out in detail in the following chapters.  Read them closely to find out how they solved both crises above (ObamaCare and Fin-Reg) with the stroke of a pen and two well-placed sentences.  Understand that two key words that had been around for a long time were about to regain their enormous import.  Once again, the talking points started and ended just like they had many times before with two familiar watchwords - “LIMITED and ENUMERATED”. 

With a little help from his descendants, General Washington was about to give Washington a snap to "Attention!” and a major set of new marching orders.

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"In Search of George Washington"
(The Story of the 28thAmendment)