Chapter 6

Re-Constitution, Restoration, and Recommendation

George Washington Concludes -

Dear Fellow Countrymen,

That you, our kinsmen of such distant generations, would endeavor to seek some encouraging and re-establishing wisdoms and advice across the centuries from old men in a young and struggling nation at its birth who, also with some young men of that old time, gave freedom and liberty their noblest efforts in earnest desire for the good and the decent and for the unleashing of the best in free men, is, at first a flattery, and at pause, a sacred trust and ancestral bond to humble any flattery of the first order.

In the first deliberations, this re-assembly put into place "finding solutions" as the goal of the collective endeavors.

But the eventualities of the immeasurable intricacies and the exhaustive depths of the deliberations required in the extricating of those eventualities, beckoned that "finding solutions" was too modest and simplistic a phrase and the work of the re-convention to grapple with the exorbitant task of unraveling the web of governmental entanglement upon "We the People" of  2012 by necessity did implore a stronger expression.   "Denouement" is offered here as that expression. 

"Denouement" is that classical literary device here being used to describe those extensive unweavings required to arrive at an explanation for a century of political shackling of a nation and its people.   Those most urgent unravelings have been fully employed herein in these reports and summaries to expose and explain the layers of encumbrances weighing so mightily on a nation's prosperity.  The final "denouements" illuminate the place so much of America in 2012 had come to and had descended into with despair replacing the boundless spirit of America's people and with despondency accompanying the grounding of Her economic abundance and even to the point of unbelief witnessing the toppling of Her celestial and celebrated space exploration from its pinnacles and then to its cessation.

The artifice of "Denouement" in the volumes of the great literatures endeavors to unmask and explicate in the end the great mysteries and conflicts of mankinds' most inner natures, perverse and true.  It is subtly invited and employed after the noblest of literary minds plot the tortuous courses of conflict and confoundings laid in the paths of the great heros and heroines.  The wiles of the protagonists and the foils of a Fagin (as we see employed by a 19th Century Dickens' novel of import, "Oliver Twist"), are, at first, long-suffering trials in the searchings and yearnings for resolution and, secondly, perserverings and toilings through the enduring struggles of the quest for truth, and ascendant conquest, and for ultimate triumph, and for the final attainment of good over evil.

"Denouement", at the hands of these assembled "Founders", as they have been called, and at the behest of the requested reviews and recommendations of our esteemed kinsmen of 2012 is given in combined accord and is herein with the following reports proffered to, at first unravel, and second, to offer remedy to the damage and degenerating effect of the accumulating and escalating government in your time that this body concurs has become so oblivious to and so wholly adverse to the disparate and increasingly desperate needs of the people.

"Denouement", is herein deemed necessary to explicate a time woven plot by many men who may have enjoined in the so- called  "progressive" ideology of seemingly good intent but whose dire effects over a long century of employment has created a massive government that threatens again tyranny and injustice.   The danger to our kinsmen of the 21st Century is so precipitous and presents so expeditious an urgency that all needs of re-constitution and strategems for limiting the power and eliminating the excesses of that central government must, of necessity, combine in force to attend to its confronting and correction and reinstatement of proper balances of power with the states and with "the people".

Let no misconception of magnitude be consigned to the monolithic nature of the giant in the conflict.  The opponent to be restrained and reordered and remanded into submission is a massive creature with ubiquitous tentacles entangling a struggling populace and claiming, usurping, and proliferating unjust powers that give predominance to its own voracious needs of control and self containment and sheltered longevity.

It is the concurring opinion of the entire reassembly that massive corrective steps in the form of an extensive Amendment from "the People" is the only path to remedial combat and control against what can only be characterized as an out-of-control juggernaut.   Our best efforts are proffered here toward that end in preliminary amendment form and with all of the proposed remedies set forth.   The report attached as "Exhibit A" was originally titled "Enumerating the Government's Failures and Limiting again its Powers" but has been renamed simply the "List of Amendment Recommendations" and is presented immediately below for ease in reviewing.  "Exhibit A" is a first listing of topical category and the summarized items of first importance as assembled by this body for a cursive view.

The notations of supporting debate and discussion have been submitted in other sections by the Committee Heads for our countrymen and women for their further perusal of additional detail and purview explaining the reasonings and resulting conclusions and for the offered remedial proposings. 

The distillation and preparation and presentation of the full text of the recommended final product of this assembly is presented formally in length later as "The 28th Amendment".  It is lengthy of compilation and of given remedies that many in this reassembly have recommended is too given to detail and excessive verbiage.  With deferrence to those concerns, we present "The 28th Amendment" with full and expectant conclusion that "We the People" of the 21st Century will rise to their own occasions and devices of final form as they re-order their government to be the requisite size and force as national needs require and demand.

The Committees of Detail in combination with The Committee of Five (Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Madison, Mr. Franklin and Mr. Sherman) have prepared a further attached summarization report as given by Mr. Jefferson with additional detailing arguments and recommendations that support the tenets of the offered "28th Amendment" further in earnest delivery and delineation.

Many things have been of heavy weight and gravity to this assembly and a level of detail is not the purpose in this summary but it bears a proferring here that two things of especial note have brought utter abhorrence and repugnance to this body and a dispiriting to these esteemed members who have endeavored with great fervor and solicitude to understand the great manifestations at hand and the concommitant assaults strafing America and Her prominence and Her solvency and Her soul as the history of the first decade of the 21st Century has now been written.

First, crushing debt of immense proportions is one of these and it is proliferating at multitudinous speed and with an unfathomable scope and with opaque accounting in dark corners of monolithic sprawl from which all precincts suck the monies and treasures of the nation in hundreds and thousands of directions of profligacy.

In opprobrium to the obscureness of the accounting portion of these abominations of indebtedness, let it be given the highest priority to the principle that transparency in government spending, as in all transparency, rests on the notion that transparency begets accountability and accountability excoriates the corrupt and the malfeasant.  With permissions from Mr. Jefferson, this assembly has suggested the insertion of his simple positing of the issue;

"We might hope to see the finances of the Union as clear and intelligible as a merchant’s books, so that every member of
Congress and every man of any mind in the Union should be able to comprehend them, to investigate abuses, and
consequently to control them". -- Thomas Jefferson

We do take heart in the great technological advances that are at hand in your time that have the tools at once and at the proper disposal to so make a comprehensible report to the people a reality.

The precipitous nature in 2012 of the debt and the depressed economy and the depleted employment at the same time as the runaway spending by the central government has all of the ingredients to bring down the American system as it has existed.  For that reason the number one priority of "The Committee of Five" in its "Recommendation #1" urgently addresses the "Economic Fix", which proposal  juxtaposes the 8 years from 1912-1920 of President Woodrow Wilson and his original "Progressive Era", that culminated in the "Great Depression of 1920-21", with the following 8 years of 1920-1928 of Presidents Harding and Coolidge that employed austerity to government and gave America the prosperity of your "Roaring 20s". 

Their report as presented by Mr. Jefferson shows in stark detail all of the things that incoming President Warren G. Harding did in 1921, and, most importantly, as far as governmental actions, DID NOT DO in 1921 that resulted in making America's "Roaring 20s" an immediate and astounding reversal of all the progressive experiments that ended in ruin at the end of that disastrous 1913 to 1921 "Progressive Era". 

It is important to note that in 1921, President Harding ignored the constant advice of his Commerce Secretary, Herbert Hoover, to adopt expansive government programs and expansive government credit as the once again progressive answers to pull out of the "Forgotten Depression of 1920-21".

It is also of import to note that when President Hoover was elected President in 1928 and got his turn, he did unleash those expansive programs and he and the following President Roosevelt kicked off 17 years of massive government and depression that lasted 10 times as long as the "Depression of 1920-21" and its 17-month duration.  

The juxtaposition of Harding's austere government solution to the Wilson/Hoover/Roosevelt progressive solution shows a near tripling of America's worth in stocks under austere government versus an amazingly "flat-lined" (as you say) wealth effect for your Dow Jones for the 33 years of the progressives' massive and lasting effects on government and markets.  (33 years being calculated as 8 years under President Wilson of zero Dow Jones improvement plus the Hoover/Roosevelt induced 25 years from 1929 to 1954 that the Dow Jones also showed zero improvement (Dow 381 in 1929 to Dow 381 in 1954).

As shown in "The Committee of Five's" remedial approach below, this reassembly heartily recommends a very similar pattern for a passive (austere) federal government for 2012 and beyond by utilizing these same philosophies of President Harding and his Vice President and later President, Calvin Coolidge.  By employing virtually all of the opposite actions of the progressive ideology and by preventing over-bearing government, extremes in taxation, exobitant spending, profiligate borrowing unto a crushing debt, and anti-business undertakings and by removing adversarial government attitudes in so many settings toward business in general and many businesses in particular; America and Her previously great enterprising institutions can mount a "Roaring Teens" just like the astounding "Roaring 20s".  We in this reassembly have marvelled at how the "conservative" decade of the 1920s resolutely collared government and put it on a "short leash", as you say, whereupon America's genius of invention and enterprise was resplendently unleashed as a result. 

We have just as heartily read and marvelled at how noted historians' accounts are all aglow for Wilson and Roosevelt and how they export a worshiping history of progressivism while working mightily to distort and deny the amazing legacy of "the roaring 20s".   We note most of these historians are of the same stripe and erudition and affilitated academia as were Wilson and Roosevelt and our brief bemusings quickly dissolve to bemoanings that those once great institutions of learning have devolved so erroneously in the fields of commerce and government and the understanding of the relations between the two.

And secondly, as to the other detailed discussion weighing heavily, and, as Mr. Hamilton ably presented in his "Overview and Assessment" report, we see in the premonition assembly that our mortal time flits in the blink of an eye as to our importance in the continuum of a Divine Calendar and our efforts here are but ephemeral.  That we as small creatures in a universe of infinity are given to feeble imaginings that man himself reigns supreme in the universe and can dictate a design for mankind with no Creator being exalted is surely a weakness and folly of but flawed imaginings of fleeting players on an eternal stage. 

The search and the battles for the Truths of Divinity have been fought for all time but mightily fought here and given foundation and continuation and inclusion and expression in the hearts and souls that bind our times and our struggles with the evolution of the birth of a new Nation built on Divine faith that acknowledges human temptation and trespass and frailty while praising a Creator of the Universe, who has shown His paths for redemption and His proclivities for mercy and His Hand in guidance and at this creating has presided over a people and a Nation of Divine Inspiration. 

We share the Faith of the ages that inspired the people of America in 1956 to adopt "IN GOD WE TRUST" - as the official Motto of a reverent nation - (national motto passed by the 84th United States Congress.(Public Law 84-851))

We share Mr. Hamilton's apprehension that by 2012 the absurbities of the secular assaults against the religious affirmations of America had become so pervasive and undermining to the fabric of societal order at that time, that those traditional, societal foundations and their continuity were at grave risk of disintegration.  America, as "One Nation Under God", was in a fight not to lose just her sovereignties but her soul and the soul of her people.

It is unamiously concurred in this great hall and revisited and restated for all of posterity - "that morality cannot be maintained without religion and that a nation without morality and religion can not long endure".

This assembly has requested that a text excerpt of this humble servant's farewell address to the great citizens of the United States of America, offered at the conclusion of 8 years of the fledging beginnings of a Nation established in Liberty and as Divinely inspired, be included also as the postscript for this Honorable assemblage of fervant Americans at Her founding whose sole ambitions and purposes were for the furtherance of Freedom and Liberty for all.   It is so humbly attached as the "post script".

The revered concept of "We the People" and all who esteem its call to Freedom and claim their rightful heritage have the fate of a nation in their hands.   "We the People" are the masters of their government and have it in their wherewithall to amend their government and its variances from their wishes as set forth in Article V of the Constitution.  It is the recommendation of this long deliberation that America call again a great national convention at the request of 2/3s of its State Legislatures and handle the national debate outside the halls of the Congress as Congress is one of the main objects for passionate debate as to its structure and function. 

This humble reassembly recommends the implementation of as many items of its "List of 28th Amendment Recommendations" as deemed necesary to re-assert the will and the collective wisdoms of "We the People". 

As this reassembly fades and as its work concludes, it is with utmost hope for the Divine aspirations for the people of the future of our beloved America that they will prosper and well-guard Freedom and Liberty and have success in their rebalancing of their government to be the servant and not the master.   It is with the ultimate hope and solemn prayer that that indominable force, "We the People", bring Peace and Prosperity to all Mankind and continue to be the hope and shining example to all peoples under Heaven and Earth.

George Washington

Post Script:

"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would
that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of
the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume
could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked: Where is the security for property, for
reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of
justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be
conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that
national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle. "


Condensed List of 28th Amendment Recommendations

1)  Free Enterprise Towns (FETs) - A building Boom for the ages with pure Free Enterprise on display for the
whole world to see.  As tax advantaged (federal & state) and regulation advantaged (federal), FETs became
ranked #1 in the world for corporate competitiveness and the place the world longed to do business with and from.

Social Enterprise Towns (SETs) - Taxes, Regulations, Big Government - as high as desired -
Capitalism versus Socialism - (A High Stakes, 25-Year Competition between FETs and SETs)

2)  Rotation (Term Limits) - "Dear Congress -- Your term is limited -- Thank you for your service"

3)  Three Congressional Bills repealed and voided

4)  Eight Executive Branch Departments abolished (some functions relegated to the States and some core functions retained)
a) "Environmental Protection Agency"
b) "Department of Education"
c) "Department of Energy"
d) "Department of Transportation"
e) "Department of Labor"
f)  "Department of Agriculture
g) "Department of Commerce
h) "Department of Interior

5)  Federalism Restored - Repeal of the 17th Amendment 
   (restoring the original method for electing each State's two Senators by the State Legislatures and restoring
                           the 50 States representation in Congress as originally set forth in Article I, § 3, Clauses 1 and 2)

6)  "In God We Trust" - The official Motto of the United States -
(National Motto passed in 1956 by the 84th United States Congress.(Public Law 84-851)) is reaffirmed and affixed to the
words in the first amendment as restated and clarified herein as follows:

"Congress shall make no law establishing a government sponsored religion or prohibiting the free exercise of religion, or
overturning or limiting the original traditions, heritage and history of religion as intended
to be observed and passed on to posterity by the founders at America's founding the original intent of which is further
found in the words of the national motto:   "In God We Trust".

7)  Marriage -- Defined as the traditional union between a man and a woman

8)  English  --  Defined as the official language of the United States

9)  Taxation -- Maximum limit for the Income Tax ("The Power to Tax is the Power to Destroy") 
New Safeguards to protect against "Tyranny of the Minority by the Majority (Income Tax)"
Simplification of the Income Tax Code
New procedures for Federal Income Tax Collections to revert to the States in proportion to their collection

10)  Pork Barrel Restraints - Termination and New Rules - Earmarks, Subsidies, Mandates, Unemployment Benefits etc.

11)  Immigration Improvements (Border Security and Immigration (Management, Assimilation and the States’ new Roles, and
FETs new roles, and new State/FET/Federal Cooperation)

12)  Loser Pays and Tort Reform - Judicial guidelines for frivolous and malicious lawsuits and maximum jury award limits

13)  Elimination of the federal powers in all matters of interstate commerce and the national economy and the new creation
of the "States' Commerce Association" empowering the 50 states to oversee the commerce between themselves and
limiting the federal power to foreign commerce.

14)  National Sovereignty above World Sovereigns

15)  No limit on individuals ownership of precious metals

16)  Clarification of the Original Intents of the 2nd Amendment and Gun Ownership

17)  A one-time, Required Complete Public Audit of the Federal Reserve by the Senate and House Banking and Finance
Committees and their selected accountants including a list of all Federal Reserve owners and all disbursements of the
Federal Reserve for each year showing where "We the People's" money of the last two decades has been paid out
and an annual requirement for complete annual audit and public disclosure of the Federal Reserve.

18)  A complete change of the Federal Government's accounting system to best practices eliminating baseline

19)  In lieu of a so-called Balanced Budget Amendment, a 10-year moratorium is imposed from the date of ratification
on creation of any new Departments or Agencies by the Congress or Executive branch and a 10-year budget freeze
with a 1% annual budget reduction for each year of the 10 years is mandated for every department of the federal
government applied across the board with no inflation adjusted component.  A one-time, permanent cut in the federal
government and its agencies and functions and spending is to be implemented following ratification.  This will
effectively cut the size of spending by the federal government by one-half and cut the number of federal government
employees by one-half in order to free up these employees to do the skilled work required for the national building of
FETs.  This $1,882,000,000,000 of permanent cuts is shown in full detail as compiled by the research of "Chapter 7".

20)  Human "life" is deemed to start at conception and statutes that deal with the issues of life also apply, where applicable,
to the developing embryo stages of life.

Note 1:  For the full text of the 28th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, see Chapter 9.
Note 2:  For the full addendum of "Free Enterprise Towns" - Rules for Establishment and Operation see Chapter 10.
Note 3:  For a full explantion of the major topics listed and the detailed considerations supporting their
                                  establishment and implementation see Chapter 7.

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"In Search of George Washington"
(The Story of the 28thAmendment)